Michael Salla – Tracking Past Life Memories to Find Space Ark Crews – 230518

In a interview on Dr. Michael Salla’s YouTube channel; JP, a US army soldier, unveils his extraordinary experiences with space arks and the profound impact of past life memories. JP takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the cutting-edge technology employed to identify potential crew members for the space arks. This innovative approach involves tracking… » Read more

Elana Danaan – Dan Winter Explains the Science Behind Enki’s Technology – 230424

In the fascinating YouTube video, physicist and researcher Dan Winter delves into the science behind Enki’s technology. Winter stresses the importance of understanding the physics behind Enki’s technology, which includes binaural Bliss audio brainwave stimulation, Schumann pumping of pyramids for Global Wireless power, and brainwave implosion for Bliss. Quartz is one of the properties that… » Read more

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